Our experienced fire-stopping inspection team helps contractors comply with codes and regulations and to obtain the required approvals at completion.
What Are Fire Stop Inspections?
Fire stopping inspections are crucial to ensure the effectiveness and compliance of fire safety products and systems installed in the initial construction stage.
Our expert fire-stopping inspection team at TBW conducts third-party site-based monitoring and inspections allowing us to identify potential fire hazards promptly. We are also able to ensure that appropriate safety standards and regulations are being met during construction and up to and prior to final AHJ inspections.
We are accredited to ISO/IEC 17020 by EIAC and SAAC to conduct Fire Stop Inspections as per ASTM E2174 and ASTM E 2393. The aforementioned two standards are reference in the International Building Code, the Saudi Building Code and the UAE Fire and Life Safety Code.

Why Choose TBW For Fire Stop Inspections?
We are experts in Fire Stop Inspections with accreditation to ISO/IEC 17020 by EIAC and SAAC.
Our qualified inspectors have successfully inspected Fire Stops on many projects in the Gulf Region and can assist you with your inspection requirements.